Function computation in Matlab

3 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to compute the following function
function [x,y] = f(z) x=cos(z)*2; y=sin(z)*2; end
The answer I get in the end (z=50) is x=-1.904825 and y=-0.60962. But this answer is not correct.
Can somebody tell me where I did mistake?

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 13 May 2015
cos and sin are assuming input in radians. Is that what z is in? If it is in degrees, use cosd and sind instead.
  1 Comment
Sergey Dukman
Sergey Dukman on 13 May 2015
Ok. I guess this is a reason why I get "wrong" answer. My input is in degrees.
Thank you, Sir

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