How to get rid of exp in answer

3 views (last 30 days)
I have evaluated a polynomial of the 6th order.
One of the calculated coefficients has a value of -4.1275e-05 (format short g).
How can I represent this answer as a "normal" number without exp?

Accepted Answer

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford on 9 Jun 2015
Use 'fprintf' with the fixed-point format type %f. For example with your value you could use fprintf('%12.9f',value) to get -0.000041275
Sergey Dukman
Sergey Dukman on 9 Jun 2015
Hei! Thank you. It works. The only thing I did not get is this - '%12.9f'. Would you explain me please what does it mean?
Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford on 9 Jun 2015
The % on the left and f on the right mean fixed-point type format. The 12 is the total field width and the 9 is the number of digits after the decimal point. You can read all about the format specs in the site:
Note that these format specs for matlab's fprintf are very similar to those of the C language for printf.

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