How can I calculate frequency response model (or transfer function) from the experimental PSD only? if the system is fed by a white noise.

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I have to calculate the parametric frequency response model (or the transfer function) from the Power Spectral Density (PSD) provided by a data-sheet. The system is fed by the white noise, whose characteristics are also provided.

Answers (1)

Sainath Varikuti
Sainath Varikuti on 24 Jul 2015
Edited: Sainath Varikuti on 24 Jul 2015
Hello Muhammad,
If Pyx is the output psd and Pxx is the white noise psd then the transfer function is the quotient of Pyx, the cross power spectral density of x and y, and Pxx, the power spectral density of white noise.
Refer to the following documentation page for more information:

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