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how draw voxel 3d for 2 images

1 view (last 30 days)
i have 2 image in gray and i want to draw the voxel ? i want to convert the image to vector ? or no ? any solution plzzz
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Dec 2015
Could you post a sample image of what the result would look like?
samer mahmoud
samer mahmoud on 11 Dec 2015
2 image in black and white i want to draw voxel or mesh to get the result in image in blue

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Dec 2015
It is not possible to do that given only that information.
My speculation is that you did not ask the right question. I suspect that your question is an attempted repost of, which in turn is a rephrasing of in which you were told what you would have to do but you do not appear willing to do so.
I guess I need to phrase this more strongly:
You must do stereo rectification in order to figure out where the objects are in the scene and how big they are in each dimension. Just having two difference images from different views is not enough. Stereo rectification involves doing camera calibration one way or another, whether that is by placing checkerboard patterns in the scene or by placing an item of known size at a known position. You can only do 3 dimensional reconstruction after you figure out what perspective view each of the two cameras has.

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