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How to compare the pixel of two image?

3 views (last 30 days)
How to turn the image into pure 0(white) and 1(black) ?
After turn into pure 0 and 1, how I sum the image so I can get total number pixel of 1?
for i=1:x
for j=1:y
if IM(i,j)==1
if IM2(i,j)==1
I want to compare both image and get how many % similarity.
similarity= count/totalobjectpixel
1.1 is total object pixel and 1.2 is result of segmentation i get.

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 10 Dec 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 10 Dec 2015
Write vectorized code, it makes you life much easier:
thresh = 0.5; % threshold for converting to B&W
A_clr = rand(5,5,3); % random image
B_clr = rand(5,5,3); % random image
A_bw = A_clr>thresh; % convert to B&W
B_bw = B_clr>thresh; % convert to B&W
idx = A_bw==B_bw; % compare
idy = all(idx,3); % R==G==B
out = sum(idy(:)); % count
This code assumes that the image is a gray-scale RGB. Of course if you have the images toolbox you can use the more robust im2bw to convert to a black-and-white image:
  1 Comment
Tan Wen Kun
Tan Wen Kun on 10 Dec 2015
Edited: Tan Wen Kun on 10 Dec 2015
A_clr = imread('1.1.jpg'); %segment
B_clr = imread('1.2.jpg'); %original
How to superimpose the segment image to original image?

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