How can I get the function y(t) from NARX problem in Neural Network Time Series Tool?

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How can I get the function y(t) from NARX problem in Neural Network Time Series Tool?

Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 25 Apr 2016
Since your model is not nonlinear, just use NARXNET with no hidden nodes.
X = con2seq(giveninput);
T = con2seq(giventarget);
net = narx(1:2,1:2,[]);
The rest follows from the documentation examples
help narxnet
doc narxet
Hope this helps
Thank you for formally accepting my answer

More Answers (1)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 21 Apr 2016
See one of my Narx posts in the NEWSGROUP or ANSWERS:
greg narnet
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 24 Apr 2016
Not exactly sure what you mean by "the" coefficients. The net is a nonlinear transformation. The coefficients corresponding to the inputs of the hidden node neurons are given by the input weight matrix IW = net.IW.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
Fabio Retorta
Fabio Retorta on 24 Apr 2016
Edited: Fabio Retorta on 24 Apr 2016
In this function y(t) = a1.y(t-1)+a2.y(t-2)...+b1.u(t-1)+b2.u(t-2)
the coeficients ate a1, a2, b1 and b2. If I know this terms I can make a prediction.
Using the toolbox I don't have this fucntion. I want to know if I can get these coeficients

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