How can I get any pressed key while playing the video?

2 views (last 30 days)
I want to get any pressed key during the video is played, using 'KeyPressFcn'
my script is
videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader('rhinos.avi');
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer;
% Play video. Every call to the step method reads another frame.
while ~isDone(videoFReader)
frame = step(videoFReader);
% pause(1)
% Close the file reader and video player.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 May 2016
VideoPlayer opens its own play interface and there is no way to tell it to play within a specific axes or figure. That makes it more difficult to find the figure and attach a callback to it. Easier is to create another figure and attach a WindowKeypressFcn callback to it and give the figure focus (so that it becomes the one that receives the keypress events.)

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