How to divide a part of 3D figure formed by joining frames of a video into 9x9x9 micrometres cubes?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I have a tiff video file with frames which I converted them into a 3D figure using the following code: ****************************************************************************************** clear all FileTif = '3D.tif'; InfoImage=imfinfo(FileTif); mImage=InfoImage(1).Width; nImage=InfoImage(1).Height; NumberImages=length(InfoImage); for i=1:10 I(:,:,i) = imread(FileTif,'Index',i); end
h1 = patch(isocaps(I,1.5),'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none');
daspect([1 1 1]) view(3); axis equal tight ******************************************************************************** Now, I need to divide this cuboid into 9x9x9 micrometers cubes to analyse the data inside each cube. Can anyone provide me sample code to perform this action? Also, how can I know the current size of the figure to cut it into 9x9x9 cubes?
Thanks in advance, Varshini.

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