I got the question answered succesfully at Stackoverflow. Here is the url: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38890375/updating-chart-in-a-gui-with-timer-creates-a-new-figure-axes
Updating a figure in a GUI pops up a new figure, what's wrong?
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I am trying to make a program that displays live chart data from a broker once in a period. The period could be for example 5 seconds or 15 minutes.
I have made a GUI and a Timer but always when the program starts all the updated candles comes to new figure (only one) but not into the figure in the GUI.
Attached is some code:
This is in the openingFcn of the GUI .m-file
handles.timer = timer(...
'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate', ... % Run timer repeatedly
'Period', 5, ... % Initial period is 5 sec.
'TimerFcn', {@updateChart,hObject}); % Specify callback
guidata(hObject, handles);
% Choose default command line output for OAPIGUI
handles.output = hObject;
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);
And this is the updateChart callback funtion:
function updateChart(hObject,eventdata,hfigure)
% Get new data, one candle at a time
[ openBid, openAsk, highBid, highAsk, lowBid, lowAsk, ...
closeBid, closeAsk, volume] = ...
DataExtract(GetHistory('EUR_USD', 'S5', '1'));
handles = guidata(hfigure);
% How many times the chart has already updated
k = handles.timer.TasksExecuted
% Populate the beginnings of the vectors with NaNs to draw the newest
% candle on the right spot on the chart.
highBid = [NaN(k,1) ; highBid];
lowBid = [NaN(k,1) ; lowBid];
closeBid = [NaN(k,1) ; closeBid];
openBid = [NaN(k,1) ; openBid];
candle(highBid, lowBid, closeBid, openBid);
hold on;
I have read https://se.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/102384-how-do-i-make-my-gui-plot-into-an-axes-within-the-gui-figure-rather-than-inside-of-a-new-figure-in-m but I'm still getting a new figure. The first candle goes to the GUI's figure which is strange.
No matter which plotting command I use, the problem can be reproduced with just the 'plot' command, for instance.
Accepted Answer
More Answers (1)
on 12 Aug 2016
'candle' looks like a very old function and does not seem to have a version that allows you to plot on a specified axes, but plot certainly does so e.g.
plot( hAxes, xData, yData )
is what you should always use rather than
axes( hAxes )
plot( xData, yData );
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