How to plot this norm

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salvatore liberto
salvatore liberto on 21 Oct 2016
Commented: John D'Errico on 21 Oct 2016
Hi everyone, i have to plot this norm |n_i - n_h|_1,2 but i don't know how this norm is defined.. where h is a constant..
  1 Comment
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 21 Oct 2016
Huh? If you want help, you need to explain what you are doing, explain your problem clearly. As it is now, your question makes no sense at all. I think your problem is you have no idea what you need to do, so you have no clue how to explain it. That means we have no possibility of helping you.
You say that you need to play something. That means you were told to do it by someone. So you need to go back to the person who gave you this assignment. Talk to them. ASK FOR A CLEAR EXPLANATION.

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