How can I find intersection between edge and lines?

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Dear Experts, I'm trying to find intersection between the lines and edge. I generated the lines separately to can find the nearest edge to the center. My final goal is the coordination of the edges which intersect the lines. Any body has a solution for this? This is my code (Xcenter and Ycenter were determined): Iedge = edge(BWc,'canny'); theta=[0:0.1:2*pi]; x=fix(Xcenter+10*cos(theta)); y=fix(Ycenter+10*sin(theta)); line(x,y) but I don't know what I should do to find the intersections.

Answers (2)

KSSV on 24 Nov 2016
Afsoon on 24 Nov 2016
Edited: Afsoon on 24 Nov 2016
I can find the edge coordinates by "find" command. but now how to extract the points in lines? I have just the equation of lines (63 lines). Is there any way to find points on the lines? For example I have matrix 2*63 that rows are the start and end points of lines.
KSSV on 24 Nov 2016
I though you got the x,y data. If it is a image, then there would be other easy procedure. Wait for other's to answer.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Nov 2016

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