Matlab Compiler Excel Add-In MCR Instance Error

3 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I am working with MATLAB 2017a and testing a trial for MATLAB Compiler. I just created a very simple m function as below
function val=myfun(a,b) val=a+b
and packaged by using the Library compiler. In excel file, I've imported the myfun.bas created in the folder ../myfun/for_redistribution_files_only
but when I use the myfun() function from excel, I got this error:
Error in myfun.Class1.1_0: MCR instance is not available
I ran correctly the MCRInstaller before using the Library Compiler.
Any suggestion how to solve the issue? thank you Best regards, Paolo Tarpanelli
Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito on 2 Sep 2017
Edited: Kojiro Saito on 2 Sep 2017
Could you provide more information?
  • Which MATLAB version?
  • The MATLAB version where you compiled MATLAB scripts to Excel Add-in is the same version of MATLAB Runtime (or MATLAB) you're running the Excel Add-in? And both are 64 bit editions?
Vadim Shabelnikov
Vadim Shabelnikov on 2 Sep 2017
MATLAB R2016b ( 64-bit (win64). MATLAB Component Runtime (MCR) 9.1, MATLAB Compiler 6.3 Both are 64 bits, and I'm running and compiling at the same machine with the only version of MATLAB.

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Accepted Answer

John Robinson
John Robinson on 28 Feb 2019
There is no anwer for this. Mathworks has been aware of this bug for 10 years,

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