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How to use a relative path for NET.addAssembly

4 views (last 30 days)
My matlab code is in D:\CERDEC\liveFeed, but I find I have to use a full path:
function setup(this)
this.asm = NET.addAssembly('D:\CERDEC\liveFeed\bin\Debug\liveFeed.dll');
this.feed = liveFeed.Feeder('me');
I get an error when I try to use:
this.asm = NET.addAssembly('.\bin\Debug\liveFeed.dll');

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 19 Oct 2017
Well, you have no guarantee that the current matlab working directory is 'D:\CERDEC\liveFeed\'. And honestly, it is much better to always work with full paths. But if you really want to use a relative path, you can use pwd to query the current working directory, so:
this.asm = NET.addAssembly(fullfile(pwd, '.\bin\Debug\liveFeed.dll'));
Doctor G
Doctor G on 19 Oct 2017
never-mind, I see I have to run this inside the class.m file.
Thanks for all the speedy answers.

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