How can I plot a chart?

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friedl hulsmans
friedl hulsmans on 28 Nov 2017
Commented: Jan on 28 Nov 2017
N = 100;
for i = 1 : N
% Betondekking c1 = 40 - 10; c2 = 40 + ((600/210) + (275/21)); c = c1 + rand * (c2 - c1);
% Betonkwaliteit fck = 26 + rand * (34-26);
% Breedte b1 = 300 - ((300/50)+7); b2 = 300 + ((300/50)+7); b = b1 + rand * (b2 - b1);
% Hoogte h1 = 600 - ((600/140)+(85/7)); h2 = 600 + ((600/140) + (85/7)); h = h1 + rand * (h2 - h1);
% Diameter beugels qb = 9.9775+rand *(10.0225-9.9775);
% Diameter trekwapening qs1 = 24.9775+ rand * (25.0225-24.9775);
% Aantal staven trekwapening ns1 = 2;
% Diameter drukwapening qs2 = 13.9775+ rand * (14.0225-13.9775);
% Aantal staven drukwapening ns2 = 2;
% Kruipfactor q1 = 0.8*1.5; q2 = 1.4 * 1.5; q = q1 + rand * (q2 - q1);
% Moment in GGT-Q med = 96 * (10^6)+ rand * (144 * (10^6) - 96 * (10^6));
% Elasticiteitsmodulus staal Es = 200000;
% Staalkwaliteit fyk = 500;
% Gemiddelde waarde van de drukstrekste van beton fcm = fck + 4 +rand * (12 - 4) ;
% Elasticiteitsmodulus beton Ecm = 22000*((fcm/10)^0.3);
Ec = Ecm / (1 + q);
% Alpha alpha = Es / Ec;
% Afstand getrokken rand tot zwaartepunt wapening As1 d1 = c + qb + (qs1/2);
% Afstand gedrukte rand tot zwaartepunt wapening As2 d2 = c + qb + (qs2/2);
% Nuttige hoogte d = h - d1;
% Trekwapening As1 = (pi * ns1 * (qs1^2))/4;
% Drukwapening As2 = (pi * ns2 * (qs2^2))/4;
% Totale wapening Astot = As1 + As2;
% Drukhoogte x = ((-alpha Astot)/b)+ sqrt(((alpha*Astot/b)^2)+((2*alpha(As1*d+As2*d2))/b));
% Scheurmoment fctm = 0.3 * (fck ^(2/3));
% Traagheidsmoment I = ((b*(x^3)/3))+ alpha * As1*((d-x)^2)+ alpha * As2*((x-d2)^2);
% sigmac = med*x /I;
% sigmas = alpha * sigmac * (d-x)/x;
h1 = (h-x)/3; h2 = 2.5*(h-d); h3 = h/2; H = [h1 h2 h3]; Aceff = b*min(H);
rhoeff = As1/Aceff;
Srmax1 = 3.4 * c + 0.17* qs1 / rhoeff; Srmax2 = 1.3 * (h - x); Srmax = min(Srmax1 , Srmax2);
epsilon1 = 0.6*sigmas/200000; epsilon2 = (sigmas / 200000)-(0.4*fctm*(1+alpha*rhoeff)/(rhoeff*200000)); epsilon = max(epsilon1,epsilon2);
wk = Srmax*epsilon;
How I can plot a chart from the previos matlab file? With plot (wk) it does not work

Accepted Answer

Jan on 28 Nov 2017
N = 100;
axes('NextPlot', 'add'); % see "hold on"
for i = 1 : N
Ec = Ecm / (1 + q);
h1 = (h-x)/3;
h2 = 2.5*(h-d);
h3 = h/2;
H = [h1 h2 h3];
Aceff = b*min(H);
rhoeff = As1/Aceff;
Srmax1 = 3.4 * c + 0.17* qs1 / rhoeff;
Srmax2 = 1.3 * (h - x);
Srmax = min(Srmax1 , Srmax2);
epsilon1 = 0.6*sigmas/200000;
epsilon2 = (sigmas / 200000)-(0.4*fctm*(1+alpha*rhoeff)/(rhoeff*200000));
epsilon = max(epsilon1,epsilon2);
wk = Srmax*epsilon;
plot(i, wk, '+');
y = zeros(1, N);
for i = 1:N
wk = Srmax*epsilon;
y(i) = wk;
plot(1:N, y);
Is this "a chart"? If not, please explain in detail, what you need.
friedl hulsmans
friedl hulsmans on 28 Nov 2017
Yes that is wat I mean. Is a chart like this also possible?

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