What can I write in a MATLAB function block in Simulink?

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Hi I am working with Simulink. I wrote a function in Matlab that basically does a circular shift, and I wanted to put it into Simulink by using the MATLAB function block. The thing is that if I write
function y= shift_with0(u,s)
y = circshift(u,s);
no problem and everything is working. But, I wanted to allow as inputs also vectors, so I wrote this function
function y= shift_with0(u,s)
if isvector(s)
inegatif = sum(pm(:)==-1);
s = inegatif;
y = circshift(u,s);
In Matlab is working, but the Simulink block not. So, I assume that is the "if" part that Simulink does not accept. In general, could someone clarify for me what I can write/not write in a MATLAB function block? Thanks
KL on 12 Dec 2017
Edited: KL on 12 Dec 2017
isvector should return 1, even if it had only one element. It actually helps you differentiate between a vector and a matrix. try
isvector([1 2 3])
and then
Also, I do not get what you mean by y(1:s)=0;.
Maria on 12 Dec 2017
Edited: Maria on 12 Dec 2017
You are right about the isvector. I modified it
function y= shift_with0(u,s)
[n,m] = size(s);
if n>1 || m>1
inegatif = sum(pm(:)==-1);
s = inegatif;
y = circshift(u,s);
With y(1:s)=0 I set the components before the "s" point to zero. It is because want to shift indeed, not really to circularly shift. I found this solution that suits me. In front of the values that have been shifted, I want zero. In Matlab I get what I actually want. But Simulink complains. I attach the file.

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Accepted Answer

Birdman on 12 Dec 2017
Run the attached model and let me know the results.
Maria on 13 Dec 2017
Thank you. I think I understood now what I can expect when I work with constants.

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More Answers (1)

KL on 12 Dec 2017
If s is a vector, I will just count the number of negative entries, and then shift the y by this amount
Shouldn't you be simply writing,
if numel(s)>1
s = numel(s(s<0));
y = circshift(u,s);
KL on 12 Dec 2017
Edited: KL on 12 Dec 2017
The difference between matlab and simulink is not only with the block based modelling but also its code generating abilities. The matlab-function block gives you the ability to do that and of course it comes with a restriction. This is why you use extrinsic command for some matlab functions inside simulink.
Unlike matlab, when you assign/reassign you have to mind certain things in simulink environment.
You can read more to understand why this happens. Documentation is the best place to learn how things work.

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