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garchfit vs estimate inconsistent results and speed

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Hello I always used garchset and garchfit for work pourpose and since I switched to 2016a I can't use those functions anymore so I am stuck with 2013a. The new functions that substitute garchset and garchfit are ARIMA and estimate. I will provide the code I use to switch between old and new functions but the problem is that the new functions are way slower.
OLD ONE: garchset + garchfit
% set the model ARMA(1,1) + GARCH(1,1) with errors distributed like a t-student with 6 DoF
mdl = garchset('Distribution' , 'T' ,'DoF', 6,'P',1, 'Q', 1, 'R', 1, 'M', 1, 'VarianceModel', 'GARCH');
% estimation of coefficients
garchfit(mdl, r1)
this took 0.2 second
NEW METHOD: ARIMA + estimate
% specify the model for the conditional variance as GARCH(1,1) with errors distributed like a t-student with 6 DoF
varmdl = garch('GARCHLags', 1, 'ARCHLags', 1, 'Distribution',struct('Name','t','DoF',6))
% specify the model for the mean as ARMA(1,1) with errors distributed like a t-student with 6 DoF
mdl = arima('ARLags',1, 'MALags',1,'Distribution',struct('Name','t','DoF',6),'Variance', varmdl)
% setting the same option for the fmincon function that were used by garchfit
opt=optimoptions(@fmincon,'PhaseOneTotalScaling','off', ...
'NoStopIfFlatInfeas','off','Algorithm','active-set', 'UseParallel','never')
% estimation of coefficients
es = estimate(mdl, r1, 'Options', opt)%, 'Display', 'off');
this took about 3 seconds and despite I used the same dataset and the same options for fmincon the results were slightly different. So what's happening? It seems to me like the new functions are worse. I don't care much about the difference in estimated coefficients but the speed is more that 10 times SLOWER. I use this to get real time signals for trading but with large number of stocks in my portfolio it is unusable anymore. And I don't want to be stuck wit 2013a either. Could someone please help me understand what's happening here?
thank you
  1 Comment
Michael Duerk
Michael Duerk on 8 Feb 2019
unfortunately I am not able to provide a solution for you. We did ecounter the same problem tho. I tried different algorithms, however no luck there as well. It seems the ML-Estimator is more thorrow and complex which results in longer compilation time....!
Do you have any new thoughts or ideas concerning the problem?
% Converting old GARCH functions to new Model Objects
% This example does not show how to reproduce equivalent results between the models,
% because, in general, the estimates between the two functionalities might differ.
% Set the optimization algorithm as interior-point so that Q will not
% be exactly zero
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','interior-point');
% Specify the model shell
model1 = garch('Offset',NaN,'GARCHLags', 1, 'ARCHLags', 1,...
%Estimate the model surpress the Output
[Coeff,Errors,logL,info] = estimate(model1,Renditen,'Display','off','options',options);
Thank you!

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