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how can i vectorize this loop?

2 views (last 30 days)
Miguel Reina
Miguel Reina on 21 Jan 2018
Answered: Matt J on 22 Jan 2018
for u = 0:K-1
for b = 0:K-1
a(u+1) = a(u+1) + s(b+1)*exp((-2j*pi*u*b/K));
Matt J
Matt J on 21 Jan 2018
What is "k" in s(k+1)? DO you mean s(b+1)?

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 21 Jan 2018

More Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Jan 2018
Well you could try meshgrid() but I think it might make it a little more confusing to understand what it's doing. With only 100x100 array to fill, a double for loop will be very fast so even if you did vectorize it, don't expect to notice any speed difference.

Matt J
Matt J on 22 Jan 2018
A less efficient way,


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