spectral analysis, frequency spectrum, power spectral density

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I have power=2000 float data points and time= 2000 float time intervals. in 200ns.
is there any way i can put this in matlab to see some spectral analysis of frequency and other things. basically i have x and y values of power vs time. I want to manuplite this data to show frequency values which i expect to be in 500-1000MHz range.
or may be draw a fft plot. but the problem is i just know these two variables (power and time) is it possible? if yes then how?
hardik on 12 May 2012
time is evenly spaced since we are using a sampling rate of 10e9.so yea, but the amplitude keeps on changing

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Answers (3)

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson on 12 May 2012
N = 2000;
StartTime = 0;
StopTime = 200e-9;
dt = (StopTime - StartTime)/N;
Fs = 1/dt;
dF = Fs/N;
f = -Fs/2:dF:Fs/2-dF;

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson on 12 May 2012
>> doc freqz
  1 Comment
hardik on 12 May 2012
thanks for ur answer....it helps a lot but some clarity i need...when i do freqz(w) for the power data. i see x values of freq as normalised freq as api rad/sample. can i change this to actual frequency. say like in MHZ?
I have a sample of power values generated in 200ns. this values of power vary with different frequency. with a high freq the power goes very high. and then drops back to low freq. its about partial discharge.
so i was wondering if i can see the frequency values as well with this.?

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Wayne King
Wayne King on 12 May 2012
"thanks for ur answer....it helps a lot but some clarity i need...when i do freqz(w) for the power data. i see x values of freq as normalised freq as api rad/sample. can i change this to actual frequency. say like in MHZ?"
Have you read the documentation for freqz()? It shows that you can use the sampling frequency as an input argument
[H,F] = freqz(B,A,N,Fs);
For example:
Fs = 1e4;
% Butterworth filter with 3dB frequency of 1 kHz
[B,A] = butter(10,(2*1e3)/Fs);
[H,F] = freqz(B,A,[],Fs);
grid on; xlabel('Hz');

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