Plot with hidden information!!

6 views (last 30 days)
Hamid on 8 Feb 2018
Commented: Hamid on 12 Feb 2018
I have a question about plotting my data in MATLAB. I am trying to plot a 2-D figure, and I can do that!! I want to add information in each point in my figure, and I know that I can do that by TEXT!! But my problem is that I want this information in all the point be hidden and when I am clicking on each point, the information related to that point be shown.Like when you use Root-locus, and click in any point it shows some information related to the clicked point.
would you please let me know if you can help me with this issue?
Yours Sincerely

Answers (2)

Jan on 8 Feb 2018
Edited: Jan on 8 Feb 2018
This creates a point and an invisible text. If you click on the point, the ButtonDownFcn is triggered and the visibility is toggled:
function main
Text1H = text(0.5, 0.5, 'Center', 'Visible', 'off');
plot(0.5, 0.5, 'ro', 'ButtonDownFcn', {@toggleText, Text1H});
Text2H = text(0.25, 0.25, 'Down Left', 'Visible', 'off');
plot(0.25, 0.25, 'bo', 'ButtonDownFcn', {@toggleText, Text2H});
function toggleText(LineH, EventData, TextH)
vis = get(TextH, 'Visible');
if strcmp(vis, 'on')
set(TextH, 'Visible', 'off');
set(TextH, 'Visible', 'on');
  1 Comment
Hamid on 12 Feb 2018
Hi, thanks for answering But, when I run it, and I click one the point , it gives me this message:
Error using Invalid or deleted object.
Error in toggleText (line 2) vis = get(TextH, 'Visible');
Error while evaluating Line ButtonDownFcn.
Would you please let me know how I can solve it?

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 8 Feb 2018
It sounds like you want a data cursor. You can customize the function that generates the text to be displayed in the data cursor to include exactly the information you want to show in a specific format. Search for "Customizing Data Cursor Text" on the page to which I linked for more information.

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