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chebyshev spline and pchip usage

2 views (last 30 days)
fartash2020 on 27 Feb 2018
Edited: Torsten on 27 Feb 2018
Dear Matlab Users, I want to use equally spaced nodes or chebyshev nodes to evaluate my function at the nodes and then I want to construct an interpolating polynomial. Then I want to find zeros of the interpolating polynomial in an interval Z=[-1,1]
kd=constant; lambda=constant; Delta_E=constant;
z_dot= -((((1+z)./2)).*exp(1).^-(kd*(sqrt(2*lambda*(1+z)))))*(1+kappa)*(sqrt(1-z^2))*(sin(phi))/2;
I would highly appreciate if you let me know how I can start, then I will write the code and ask again if I stuck somewhere.
Best, Fatemeh

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