Plot multiple surfaces on same plot with different color for each surface

185 views (last 30 days)
Hi. I have to superimpose several surfaces on the same plot, something like:
surf(X1,Y1,Z1); hold on
surf(X2,Y2,Z2); hold on
surf(X3,Y3,Z3); hold on
... etc
This shows all surfaces with the same color scheme. I would like to show each surface with a different color map. Does anybody have suggestions? Many thanks.
  1 Comment
Anant Gairola
Anant Gairola on 13 Nov 2016
I have the same question. Did you find an answer? I have three surface plots, one on each xy, xz and yz planes. I want a different color bar scheme for each surface plot.

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Answers (2)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 18 May 2012
Like this:
figure;hold on
[xx yy] = meshgrid(1:10);
colormap([1 0 0;0 0 1]) %red and blue
surf(xx,yy,rand(10),ones(10)); %first color (red)
surf(xx,yy,rand(10)+10,ones(10)+1); %second color(blue)

Wagih Abu Rowin
Wagih Abu Rowin on 15 Feb 2021
You can specify the color for each surface individually like:
close all
%surf 1
'FaceColor',[0.07 0.6 1],...
hold on
%surf 2
'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 .5],...
The results look like this:

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