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How can I select particular elements by an increasing step in rows?

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For example: I'd like to extract 4 elements in each column from the matrix above. Extracted elements would be (1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,1) for the 1st column, and (1,2),(3,2),(5,1),(7,1) for the 2nd column, and (1,3),(4,3),(7,3),(10,3). Example out is given below:
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Note: I have hundreds of rows and columns. So, I need a generic solution.
Thank you.

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 18 Apr 2018
Edited: Stephen23 on 18 Apr 2018

This is easy using linear indexing (a loop is not required):

>> [M(1:10:end);M(2:11:end);M(3:12:end);M(4:13:end)]
ans =
   10   20   30
   11   22   33
   12   24   36
   13   26   39

Note that M has 10 rows, so you can easily adjust the code I gave to work for any number of rows:

>> S = size(M,1);
>> [M(1:S+0:end);M(2:S+1:end);M(3:S+2:end);M(4:S+3:end)]
ans =
   10   20   30
   11   22   33
   12   24   36
   13   26   39

Note that this method only works if the number of columns is <= the number of rows.

To adjust for N elements from each column you can add a loop, either following the method above:

N = 4;
Y = nan(N,size(M,2));
S = size(M,1);
for k = 1:N
    Y(k,:) = M(k:S+k-1:end);

or doing a naive implementation of what you explained in your question.

ugur uresin
ugur uresin on 18 Apr 2018
Dear Stephen,
It might be missed but I need a more ' generic solution' like a for loop since there are hundreds rows and columns in my data.
The matrix that I gave above is just an example.

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