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How to index multiple points from an array, then output to csv?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I have a script a colleague made that cycles through an output (large array) from a MATLAB-based software. It loops through the outputs and extracts the values, then exports to excel. However, when this was created each data point we outputted to excel only had 1 value. Now, each data point is its own array (1xN). I have tried indexing them all using: (1,:) at the end of the arrays. This gives me the data I need in the Command Window but not when I try to export to excel. Also, to add, the arrays may not always be the same N dimensions (1xN).
How can I index all the values within the arrays, and also export them to excel? How can I modify the existing script? Thank you for the help. The script is pasted below. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
addpath (pwd);
%%%%change these based on study/ project file locations%%%%
source_path = 'B:\BBA\Gannet\Tests\Test_batchAllSteps\Test_batchWithWater_7.6.18\GannetSegment_output'; %where we are pulling data (.mat files) from
final_path = 'B:\BBA\Gannet\Tests\Test_batchAllSteps\Test_batchWithWater_7.6.18\GannetSegment_output'; %where to output excel file
keyword = 'MRS_struct';
%need to declare variables/arrays as zero so we can add to them in loops
%Make empty arrays with N_max, 1 dimension to hold N data.
%1, N_max is row, N_max,1 is column
N_max = 100;
count = 0;
MAT_filename_cellarray = cell(N_max,1);
%GABA cell arrays
GABACr_cellarray = cell(N_max,1);
GABAH20_cellarray = cell(N_max,1);
GABAFitError_cellarray = cell(N_max,1);
GABA_CSFCorr_cellarray = cell(N_max, 1);
%Glx cell arrays
GlxCr_cellarray = cell(N_max,1);
GlxH20_cellarray = cell(N_max,1);
GlxFitError_cellarray = cell(N_max,1);
Glx_CSFCorr_cellarray = cell(N_max, 1);
%Tissue composition cell arrays
GMFra = cell(N_max, 1);
WMFra = cell(N_max, 1);
CSFFra = cell(N_max, 1);
%output_xls_filename = 'Gannet_MAT_Output';
%Read Data
display (' look for MAT files in DICOMdata');
MAT_file_location = dir([source_path, '/*.mat']);%list all conent from location of MAT files
for i = 1: length(MAT_file_location);
if(strfind(MAT_file_location(i).name, keyword)); %if file has MRS_struct in name
%load mat files to array- loading file we found at top of loop with
%keyword etc
tmp = load(MAT_file_location(i).name);
count = count + 1;
display ('Look for data from MRS_struct');
%%%%dont put these values in '' or it will be string, this gives data
%GABA Data from MRS_struct
%%%%how to index and get ALL from 1xN array
GABACr = tmp.MRS_struct.out.vox1.GABA.ConcCr(1,:);
GABAH20 = tmp.MRS_struct.out.vox1.GABA.ConcIU(1,:);
GABAFitError = tmp.MRS_struct.out.vox1.GABA.FitError(1,:);
GlxCr = tmp.MRS_struct.out.vox1.Glx.ConcCr(1,:);
GlxH20 = tmp.MRS_struct.out.vox1.Glx.ConcIU(1,:);
GlxFitError = tmp.MRS_struct.out.vox1.Glx.FitError(1,:);
%empty arrays for EVERYTHING we want to export
%filename, and variables
MAT_filename_cellarray{count} = MAT_file_location(i).name;
GABACr_cellarray{count} = GABACr;
GABAH20_cellarray{count} = GABAH20;
GABAFitError_cellarray{count} = GABAFitError;
GlxCr_cellarray{count} = GlxCr;
GlxH20_cellarray{count} = GlxH20;
GlxFitError_cellarray{count} = GlxFitError;
%array of headers, values-- in same order
%put these 2 into an outputcell and write to excel
output_header_cellarray = [{'PID'},{'GABAConcCr'}, {'GABAConcIU'}, {'GABAFitError'}, {'GlxConcCr'}, {'GlxConcIU'}, {'GlxFitError'}];
output_value_cellarray = [MAT_filename_cellarray,GABACr_cellarray, GABAH20_cellarray, GABAFitError_cellarray, GlxCr_cellarray, GlxH20_cellarray, GlxFitError_cellarray];
output_cell = [output_header_cellarray; output_value_cellarray]; %write header + value cellarrays
output_xls_filename = 'Gannet_GABA+Glx_all';
xlswrite(output_xls_filename, output_cell)
  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 19 Jul 2018
Some tips:
  • do not use clc
  • do not use clear
  • do not use addpath
  • do not use cd.
  • use fullfile and absolute filenames.
  • do not use strfind: simply add the pattern to the dir name, something like this:
keyword = 'MRS_struct';
F = sprintf('*%s*.mat',keyword);
S = dir(fullfile(source_path,F));
for k = 1:numel(S)
tmp = load(fullfile(F,S(k).name));
Use fullfile when reading/writing the files too!

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