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How do i plot this rect function and unit step function into matlab?

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Answers (2)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 2 Nov 2018
See rectangularpulse and piecewise are sufficient enough to finish your homework.
Remark: use symbolic variables using symbolic toolbox
  1 Comment
madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 2 Nov 2018
If you still don’t figure it out , post the code which you tried here so that it can be corrected .

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Tilkesh on 28 Mar 2022
function y = rect(x, D)
% function y = rect(x, D)
if nargin == 1, D = 1;
x = abs(x);
y = double(x<D/2);
y(x == D/2) = 0.5;


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