Can MATLAB 2013b be used to interface with USRP X310? Or do you need higher versions? And how do you actually use the add on package? What is is real purpose? Thanks a lot.

1 view (last 30 days)
connectedRadios = findsdru;
if strncmp(connectedRadios(1).Status, 'Success', 7)
switch connectedRadios(1).Platform
case {'B200','B210'}
address = connectedRadios(1).SerialNum;
platform = connectedRadios(1).Platform;
case {'N200/N210/USRP2'}
address = connectedRadios(1).IPAddress;
platform = 'N200/N210/USRP2';
case {'X300','X310'}
address = connectedRadios(1).IPAddress;
platform = connectedRadios(1).Platform;
address = '';
platform = 'N200/N210/USRP2';
Undefined function or variable 'findsdru'.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Jan 2019
No you need r2016b for that. In the below table the appropriate entry is the one under Communications for Embedded Radio.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Jan 2019
I am not even close to a specialist on USRP so I do not know what the lastest hardware revs are or when they became supported, but Yes, generally speaking, the latest MATLAB will have the widest support. However, for timing and testing reasons, each MATLAB release does not necessarily support the newest rev that was available as of the MATLAB release date (e.g., mid September 2018 for R2018b.)

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