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Display a bit plane

14 views (last 30 days)
Marques Brathwaite
Marques Brathwaite on 3 Feb 2019
Answered: DGM on 29 Dec 2023
How can I write a function that displays the b-th bit-plane of an 8-bit grayscale image?
The input image variable imagepath must be the file name of a .bmp, .jpg, or other grayscale image permitted in Matlab , and is allowed to be a path name such as C:\Math535\image.bmp.
BitImage is a binary image, having either the value 0 or the value 1, and is extracted from the original image data and stored in a variable whose type is a double array, with the same size domain X as the input image.
The output image BitImage should be a MXN binary image and displayed using imshow.
%sample code
function BitImage = ShowBitImageGray(imagepath, b)
[~,~] = size(imagepath);
imshow (imagepath/255); title('Original Image');
BitImage=bitget(imagepath,1); figure, imshow(logical(BitImage));title('Bit plane 1');
BitImage=bitget(imagepath,2); figure, imshow(logical(BitImage));title('Bit plane 2');
BitImage=bitget(imagepath,3); figure, imshow(logical(BitImage));title('Bit plane 3');
BitImage=bitget(imagepath,4); figure, imshow(logical(BitImage));title('Bit plane 4');
BitImage=bitget(imagepath,5); figure, imshow(logical(BitImage));title('Bit plane 5');
BitImage=bitget(imagepath,6); figure, imshow(logical(BitImage));title('Bit plane 6');
BitImage=bitget(imagepath,7); figure, imshow(logical(BitImage));title('Bit plane 7');
BitImage=bitget(imagepath,8); figure, imshow(logical(BitImage));title('Bit plane 8');

Answers (1)

DGM on 29 Dec 2023
The given code more or less does what's requested, though it's not generalized.
I'm just going to throw this out there.
I'm claiming liberty to ignore the filename-as-input requirement, as I feel that it is poorly-generalized and promotes disk thrashing and unnecessary requantization as part of an acceptable workflow.
I'm ignoring the uint8-only and grayscale-only requirements, as they're presumptuous artifacts of prevailing IPT conventions and general naivete.
% a test image (probably uint8)
inpict = imread('peppers.png');
% for the sake of testing
% spread the data away from the original uint8 quant levels
inpict = im2double(inpict);
inpict = imgaussfilt(inpict,0.5);
% recast as any particular test class
% MIMT imcast() supports float classes and 8,16,32b signed/unsigned integer classes
inpict = imcast(inpict,'int32'); % MIMT-only
% get this bitplane image
outpict = getbitplane(inpict,5); % logical-class
% display the result
% IPT imshow() does not support valid RGB logical or signed integer images
% MIMT imshow2() does
function outpict = getbitplane(inpict,thisbit)
% Get a logical image representing the specified bitplane from a logical image.
% INPICT is a logical or integer-class image of any number of channels.
% BIT specifies the bitplane (integer scalar between 1 and the width of the integer class)
% OUTPICT is a logical image of the same size as INPICT.
% Be aware that imshow() will not display correct logical images unless
% they are strictly 2D.
thisclass = class(inpict);
switch thisclass
case 'logical'
nbits = 1;
case {'single','double'}
error('Image must be logical or integer numeric class')
nbits = str2double(regexp(thisclass,'\d*','match'));
if thisbit < 1 || thisbit > nbits
error('Specified bitplane must be between 1 and %d',nbits)
outpict = bitget(inpict,thisbit);
outpict = logical(outpict);
As noted, this uses MIMT tools for sake of demonstration, though they're not necessary for the conversion itself.


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