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drawing bar graph

6 views (last 30 days)
Sumit on 2 Apr 2011
i wanna draw a bar graph consisting of 2 ranging 10-20 on the x axis and the other 40-50 on the x axis....the value of y axis does not matter to do i do it??please help..

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 2 Apr 2011
There are a couple ways to do this. I think this one may be easiest for you. I wrote it in some detail, with parameters so that you could see what is going on.
leftBarCenter = 15;
rightBarCenter = 45;
desiredWidth = 5;
hb=bar([leftBarCenter rightBarCenter],[1 2]);
set(gca,'XLim',[0 60],'XTick',0:5:60); % Not strictly necessary, but shows result better
% Need to calculate relative width
relativeWidth = 2*desiredWidth/(rightBarCenter-leftBarCenter);
If you are very familiar with property handles, then you may find a different way easier. The handles of bars have an XData property that stores their absolute X position. You can edit those, instead.
the cyclist
the cyclist on 4 Apr 2011
You should probably have asked this in a separate question, but what you want is the "figure" command, which will open a new figure. (You might want to read the help file for that command.)
Schamun on 18 Jul 2012
i have used the codes stated here, i was wondering how i can change the colors of the bar graphs. i have leftBarCenter = 5; middleBarCenter = 10; rightBarCenter = 15; leftBarCenter1 = 20; middleBarCenter1= 25; rightBarCenter1 = 30; leftBarCenter2 = 35; middleBarCenter2= 40; rightBarCenter2 = 45; how can i change the colors so dat all the left bars will be in one color, all middlebars in another color, and all the right bars in another color?

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More Answers (1)

Jarrod Rivituso
Jarrod Rivituso on 2 Apr 2011
Some thoughts I had...
Have you tried barh?
>> barh([15 45])
That will cause the bars to start from x=0, which may not be what you want based on your description.
You always have the opportunity to get low-level using the fill function. Here is an example:
>> axes;
>> hold on;
>> x = [10 10 20 20];
>> y = [0.8 1.2 1.2 0.8];
>> fill(x,y,'r')
>> x = [40 40 50 50];
>> y = [1.8 2.2 2.2 1.8];
>> fill(x,y,'g')
>> xlim([0 60])
>> ylim([0 3])
Hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Sumit on 3 Apr 2011
barh would produce horizontal bars which i dont want ...i want vertical bars.

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