How can read a particular file pattern and store it in the same pattern?

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My folder consists of 1000 images. File names are of pattern P1_G1_1,P1_G1_2,.................P1_G1_10
After the rotation I want to store them in a different folder using the same name pattern . How to do this ?

Accepted Answer

darova on 14 May 2019
I'd use loops (not tested)
path = 'd:\Studying\matlab\'; % read from
dest = 'd:\Studying\SolidWorks\'; % save to
for i = 1:10
for j = 1:10
for k = 1:10
f = sprintf('P%i_G%i_%i.png',i,j,k); % file name with ".png" extension
A = imread([path, f]); % read image
B = imrotate(A,10); % roate image by 10 degree
imwrite(B,[dest, f]); % save rotated image
Zara Khan
Zara Khan on 17 May 2019
darova, thank you . It has worked nicely . I was missing the folder name.

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