how to multistart with CustomStartPointSet

2 views (last 30 days)
Andrea Agosti
Andrea Agosti on 11 Jul 2019
Commented: Alan Weiss on 4 Dec 2020
Dear All, i'm using multistart to solve an optimization problem. To be more efficient i want to provide a set of starting points.
ms = MultiStart('Display','iter','UseParallel',true);
startM = initialMATRIX(50,n_points,UB,LB,planar);
tpoints = CustomStartPointSetCustomStartPointSet(startM);
problem = createOptimProblem('fmincon','x0',planar,'objective',ObjectiveFunction,'lb', LB,'ub', UB,'Aineq',A,'bineq',b);
[R,Fval] = run(gs,problem,tpoints);
now, I know that when I'm setting multistart to create a random set of points, i need to declare
[R,Fval] = run(ms,problem,50);
And it will start with 50 + 1 because it uses also the point x0.
What happens when i use the custom set of points? x0 is added or not? and if it is not, why i still need to declare it?
Marylen Sun
Marylen Sun on 3 Dec 2020
Do you know undertand how can i set a matrix of start points?
Please, thank you
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss on 4 Dec 2020
Did you look at the documentation topic Set Start Points For MultiStart?
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

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