How to convert cell 2 double?
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>> U=SI
U =
1×2 cell array
[1×2 double] [1×2 double]
>> U{1}
ans =
1 2
>> U{2}
ans =
2 3
>> sitem=[]
sitem =
>> class(sitem)
ans =
I want to copy each cell of U in sitem which sitem remain double class
on 8 Dec 2019
You've apparently gotten cell arrays embedded in cell arrays...we'll then have to see just what you actually have to know how many levels of dereferencing it'll take. Or, better yet, remove one or more unecessary levels.
As starters, though, what does
whos SI U
return? And, for good measure, just
at the command line?
In addition, show us the code that creates SI.
Answers (1)
on 8 Dec 2019
Edited: dpb
on 8 Dec 2019
If SI is as you say...
>> SI={rand(1,2) rand(1,2)}
SI =
1×2 cell array
{1×2 double} {1×2 double}
>> sitem=cell2mat(SI)
sitem =
0.7150 0.9037 0.8909 0.3342
then cell2mat does the dirty of the original question of returning array of all elements of SI.
You didn't say nothing about no unique() being anywhere in the picture before, altho it's unclear it has any bearing on the question asked.
The "{:}" idiom/syntax returns a comma-separated list of the elements in the cell array, hence requiring the [] to catenate together as argument. Either is OK, cell2mat is probably somewhat more efficient than [].
NB: Either will run into problems if the sizes of the cell arrays are disparate in dimensions as both are a catenation operation.
In the end, it isn't fully clear what the actual question really was/is...
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