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Comparing Two Different Arrays

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Serra Aksoy
Serra Aksoy on 4 Feb 2020
Commented: Serra Aksoy on 4 Feb 2020
I have two arrays: A=[ 10 20 30 40 50 ] and B=[ 12 22 32 42 52 ]
Here the min(A)= 10 and the max(A)=50
Let's take b ∈ B.
I would like to find the elements of B that satisfy the following condition: min(A) < b < max(A)
If an element of B satisfy this condition it should be 1 in a new array X , if it does not satisfy this condition it should be 0 in a new array X.
So in this example i need an array like : X=[ 1 1 1 1 0 ]
Any help is appreciated.

Accepted Answer

Bhaskar R
Bhaskar R on 4 Feb 2020
X = B>min(A) & B<max(A);

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