How do I change the class label of the confusion matrix?

31 views (last 30 days)
Hi suppose I used the code below and the class label of the confusion matrix is 1,2,3. How to I change the class label to 'apple' , 'watermelon' and 'pear'?
cm = confusionchart([1 3 5; 2 4 6; 11 7 3]);
cm.Title = 'My Confusion Matrix Title';

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 5 Mar 2020
Edited: the cyclist on 5 Mar 2020
According to the documentation:
cm = confusionchart([1 3 5; 2 4 6; 11 7 3],{'apple','watermelon','pear'});
cm.Title = 'My Confusion Matrix Title';
Elysi Cochin
Elysi Cochin on 17 Sep 2022
How will it work for the below line
confusionchart(trueClass, predictedClass);
The below code is showing error
cm = confusionchart(trueClass, predictedClass, {'Class1', 'Class2'});
the cyclist
the cyclist on 17 Sep 2022
Your case has an important difference from the original question, in that they had the confusion matrix already calculated. So, it works a bit differently.
For you, it depends on what does your data look like. You can work on characters directly.
trueClass = {'Class1','Class1','Class2','Class2'};
predictedClass = {'Class1','Class1','Class2','Class1'};
confusionchart(trueClass, predictedClass);
If your data are numeric, I think the easiest is to convert the input data into character arrays.

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