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How to wrap angle in degrees to [-180 180] using rfplot(S_params, 'angle')?

16 views (last 30 days)
When I use function rfplot(S_params, 'angle'), the values of phase are unlimited. But I need the phase values to be between [-180:180] degrees. How can I do that?

Accepted Answer

Maadhav Akula
Maadhav Akula on 30 Jun 2020
Hi, you can have a look at the following to wrap the angles between the interval [-180:180]
Sa = sparameters('default.s2p');
data = rfparam(Sa,1,1);
func1 = @(x)180*angle(x)/pi;
figure; plot(Sa.Frequencies,func1(data))
Hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Marco Pilati
Marco Pilati on 17 Apr 2023
is this necessary since the rfplot function do not perform the angle wrap when asked to output the angle of the complex number inside the s-parameter oblject. Isn't it something that should be fixed or added as an option?

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