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i generate random numbers of x, how can i use this random x values for the rest of the code

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x = 0.05 + (0.1-0.05).*rand(10,1);
Perimeter = (pi*HydraulicDiameter);
NumberOfCoolantChannels = 3;
Npass = 1; ...Number of Passes
% Ac = (pi*(HydraulicDiameter^2)/(4)); ...Single channel flow cross section
Ac = 1.571e-5;
Atotal = NumberOfCoolantChannels*Ac; ... Total Flow Cross Section
BladeMassFlow = (CoolantBleed/100)*(TurbineMassFlow/NumberOfBlades);
ChannelMassFlow = (BladeMassFlow/NumberOfCoolantChannels);
RibHeighHydraulicDiameterRatio = x;
FrictionFactor2 = 1.447*(1.14-2*log10(x)).^-2; %transverse ribs
% OverallPressureDrop = FrictionFactor2*((Npass*BladeSpan*10^-3)/HydraulicDiameter)*CoolantDensity*((BulkVelocity^2)/2);
OverallPressureDrop = 8300;
BulkVelocity =((OverallPressureDrop/FrictionFactor2)*(HydraulicDiameter/(Npass*BladeSpan*10^-3))*(2/CoolantDensity))^0.5;
ChannelCoolantMassFlow = (CoolantDensity*Ac*BulkVelocity);
BladeCoolantMassFlow = NumberOfCoolantChannels*ChannelCoolantMassFlow;
PercentageCoolantBleed = 100*(BladeCoolantMassFlow*NumberOfBlades/TurbineMassFlow);
Re = (ChannelCoolantMassFlow/Ac)*(HydraulicDiameter/CoolantViscosity);
Nu = 0.15*Re^0.7; ...based on the Hydraulic Diameter
InternalHeatTransferCoefficient = Nu*(CoolantConductivity/HydraulicDiameter);
TechnologyFactor = (InternalHeatTransferCoefficient*Npass*Perimeter*NumberOfCoolantChannels)/(ExternalHeatTransferCoefficient*BladeExternalPerimeter*45*10^-3);
MassFlowFunction = (BladeCoolantMassFlow*CoolantSpecificHeat)/(BladeExternalPerimeter*BladeChord*10^-3*ExternalHeatTransferCoefficient*BladeSpan*10^-3);
ConvectionCoolingEfficiency = 1 - exp(-(TechnologyFactor)/(MassFlowFunction));
OverallEffectinevess = (MassFlowFunction*ConvectionCoolingEfficiency)/(1 + MassFlowFunction*ConvectionCoolingEfficiency);
MetalTemperature = (ExternalGasTemperature) - OverallEffectinevess*(ExternalGasTemperature-CoolantInletTemperature);
% FrictionFactor = 0.316*Re^-0.25; ...for smooth round pipe
% BulkVelocity = (ChannelMassFlow) / (CoolantDensity*Ac);
TemperatureSmooth = 1080.9;
TemperatureRipped = MetalTemperature;
RipEfficiency = ((TemperatureRipped-TemperatureSmooth)/TemperatureRipped)*100;
I am a new learner so could use show it or explain it very simply? the result i want to see is that rip efficiency and metal temperature.
dpb on 19 May 2020
But there's no x in the equations...what variable(s) are you wanting randomized? You have to write the solutions in terms of the variables with some additional random component to see anything happen.
isilay aydin
isilay aydin on 19 May 2020
there is a x in the fraction factor.i want to see the all changes of other variables which also get affected by fraction factor and x

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