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How to split a nxn matrix into n vectors

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi at all, I want to split a nxn matrix in n vectors:
M= [1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9];
m1 = [1 2 3];
m2 = [4 5 6];
m3 = [7 8 9];
I know that m1=M(1,:);
m2=M(2,:) ... ...
but if the matrix is very large how can I resolve? Thanks a lot
Max on 16 Nov 2012
How? I try
[X Y]= size(M)
but a == M
(I certainly wrong)

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Accepted Answer

Max on 17 Nov 2012
Edited: Max on 17 Nov 2012
Ok, thanks at everybody!
Sorry for the wrong word but i not speak English very goog; with struct I mean cell array, sorry ;)
However, how i can have single value in one cell?

More Answers (3)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 16 Nov 2012
m = num2cell(M,2);
your m1 -> m{1}
  1 Comment
Max on 16 Nov 2012
Thanks, but I need separate values in the vector... not "all in one" :D

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Jan on 16 Nov 2012
Using a list of variable like "m1, m2, ..." is a really bad idea and it increases the complexity of programs without any advantage. Andrei's suggestion to use a cell array is much better. See
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 16 Nov 2012
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 16 Nov 2012
M= [1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9];
m = num2cell(M,2);
out = polyder(m{1:2}); % for your version out = polyder(m1,m2);
Jan on 16 Nov 2012
"Struct"? Structs have field names, but I do not see any field names here. Do you mean "cell array"?
I think that Andrei has guessed already, what you are trying to do. But in general in is more efficient, when you explain exactly, what you are trying to do.

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Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 16 Nov 2012
Jan is correct. Doing this is a bad idea. If you need to use the POLYDER function on each row of a large array, there are several ways to do it without making many variables.
M = randi(4,6,4);
N = num2cell(M,2);
PD = cellfun(@polyder,N,'Un',0)
Now PD{1} is the POLYDER of M(1,:), PD{2} is the POLYDER of M(2,:), etc.


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