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How to get the value of "Modulation frequency" from WAV file?

2 views (last 30 days)
I reacord the sound in format of WAV.
I wonder if there is anyway to determine the value of "Modulation frequency" or frequency deviation of WAV file?

Answers (1)

Reshma Nerella
Reshma Nerella on 24 Jul 2020
  1 Comment
Maryam Foroughi
Maryam Foroughi on 12 Jan 2021
Edited: Maryam Foroughi on 12 Jan 2021
Thank you Reshma Nerella! I'm not looking for frequency-modulating-a-wav-file. Somehow calculating Modulation frequency is the reverse process. I want to determine the Modulation frequency of modulated sound.

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