TAKING [X1 X2 …] and [Y1 Y2 …] and reshaping them into [Y1 X1 Y2 X2 …]

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I would like to take 2 1D arrays [X1 X2 …] and [Y1 Y2 …] and reshape them into a [Y1 X1 Y2 X2 …] array for use as polygon vertices in insertShape.
For instance
x = [1 3 8];
y = [9 5 7];
xy = [9 1 5 3 7 8];
I already have figured out some long, stupid, time-consuming ways to do this, but I'm curious if there's an easy, efficient way to do this that somebody is doing.

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 19 Jun 2020
xy = reshape([y;x],1,[]);

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