Cannot use the function of imageInputLayer
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I was trying to run my deep neural network again, but I could run it because of the invalid expression.
Error: File: imageInputLayer.m Line: 282 Column: 52
Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
Error in CNNownData (line 5)
imageInputLayer([4 4 1],'Name','input')
And later, when I try on the deep network designer, it show me on this.
So, can I know what is the problem? and anyone else has the same problem with me. Thank you.
Anmol Dhiman
on 26 Jun 2020
Hi Xin,
This doesnot seem look like a problem of imageInputLayer. The error might be due to some other place. Could you share the code along with the release version.
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