Separate string with tag_string

1 view (last 30 days)
galaxy on 5 Aug 2020
Commented: Stephen23 on 5 Aug 2020
Dear bros,
I want to separate long string which contains tags to each classify.
string = 'tag_A(this is tag A, it contains tag_B(this is tag_B, it contains tag_C(figure.png). This is still tag B). This is still tag A)';
output is array string or cell array such as:
this is tag A, it contains tag_B tag_A
this is tag_B, it contains tag_C tag_B
figure.png tag_C
This is still tag tag_B
This is still tag A tag_A
I used strfind, regexp, etc. but it does not work.
Do any one can help me?
Thank you so much

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 5 Aug 2020
Edited: Stephen23 on 5 Aug 2020
This should get you started. Adjust as required.
str = 'tag_A(this is tag A, it contains tag_B(this is tag_B, it contains tag_C(figure.png). This is still tag B). This is still tag A)';
abc = cell(0,2);
xyz = cell(0,2);
rgx = '(\w+)\((.+)\)';
tkn = regexp(str,rgx,'once','tokens');
while numel(tkn)
tag = tkn{1};
[tkn,spl] = regexp(tkn{2},rgx,'once','tokens','split');
abc = [abc;spl(1),tag]; %#ok<AGROW>
xyz = [spl(end),tag;xyz]; %#ok<AGROW>
out = [abc;xyz(2:end,:)]
out =
'this is tag A, it contains ' 'tag_A'
'this is tag_B, it contains ' 'tag_B'
'figure.png' 'tag_C'
'. This is still tag B' 'tag_B'
'. This is still tag A' 'tag_A'
Note that regular expressions cannot easily match arbitrarily-nested pairs of parentheses. This answer will only work for input strings with nested parentheses, i.e. (...(...)...), as your example shows. It will not work for multiple parenthesis pairs on the same level of nesting, i.e. (...)(...).
galaxy on 5 Aug 2020
Edited: galaxy on 5 Aug 2020
Dear Stephen Cobeldick,
Thank you for your answer.
It is very usefull with me.
However, can you help me for both cases: (...(...)...) and multiple parenthesis pairs on the same level of nesting (...)(...). When I ask this question, I did not think about that cases.
str = 'tag_A(this is tag A, it contains tag_B(this is tag_B, it contains tag_C(figure.png), tag_C(figure1.png). This is still tag B). This is still tag A)';
Thank you
Stephen23 on 5 Aug 2020
@galaxy: please show the expected output for your new example.

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