'Decimation' Error in Simulink

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di liu
di liu on 12 Oct 2020
Commented: di liu on 15 Oct 2020
Hi all,
I hope you are well. When I run my Simulink model, I met the issue 'The 'Decimation' option must be a positive integer'. Does anyone know why it occurs?
Thank you for your help.
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 12 Oct 2020
well, you can resample with non integer values in matlab, but that is not doable in causal systems.
In simulink, decimation must always be performed with an integer decimation factor
look at the help
di liu
di liu on 15 Oct 2020
Hi Mathieu,
Thank you for your answer. The main issue is in Simulink, it does not tell me which block causes the error.

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Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 12 Oct 2020
Follow the link of the error message to find the involved block. You must have provied an incorrect number for the "Decimation" parameter, which is a factor, n, which writes data at every nth time that the block executes. It's value must be a positive integer.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 15 Oct 2020
Edited: Fangjun Jiang on 15 Oct 2020
It is weird it didn't tell the violating block.
Best way is to attach the model. If not, run the following code. 'f14' is a built-in example model. Observe the value and hopefully find the problematic block.
di liu
di liu on 15 Oct 2020
Hi Fangjun,
Thank you for your help. I have found the issue, it is caused by the 'clock' block.

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