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Error bars on a geoplot

3 views (last 30 days)
Sam Hone
Sam Hone on 25 Oct 2020
Hello everyone,
My question is this: I have some local geographic coordinate data (lat lon) that I can plot using geoplot with a nice basemap in the background. That data has some error associated with it currently in the form of plus or minus some number of kilometers in the x and y directions of the plot. How can I add this error to the geoplot?
My current idea would be to plot the data and errorbars as utm coordinates using plot, and then somehow overlay that onto a geoplot of the same size with just the basemap. The problem is that apparently you cannot overlay a Cartesian axis on a geographic axis. Is there a better way to do this? Any help is appreciated.
plot(rutmx,rutmy,'b-','markersize',10,'linewidth',2) % plot instrument position in utms
hold on
errorbar(utmx,utmy,yerro,yerro,xerro,xerro,'ro') % plot data position and x and y errorbars in utm
xlim([2.466512276745778e+02 2.682540178252844e+02]) % limits (km)
ylim([4.513115121644600e+03 4.527966643304951e+03])
gx=geoaxes; % create axes
geolimits([40.73,40.87],[-78,-77.75]) % equivalent size to utm limits
% overlay plot on geoaxes?

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