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how to detect speed breaker in a road using matlab?

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how to detect speed breaker in a road using matlab?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 8 Feb 2013
Ah, so you're a MATLAB instructor, that explains the wide variety of subject matter.
Sivakumaran Chandrasekaran
I conduct MATLAB workshops in various engineering colleges as well develop projects for students.

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Answers (2)

Jan on 7 Feb 2013
It depends on the implementation of the speed breaker. Then can be knobs of less than a centimeter in the pavement, a bump over street of 10 centimeters, road signs, a display showing the current speed.
To consider all of them efficiently with a low error rate I suggest the following: Buy a commercial Matlab version, ask a student to sit on the passenger seat, offer Matlab as payment when the student mentions all speed breakers.
I'm not kidding. I'm physicist and this is seriously the best answer yet. When you want something more technical, please define the problem with any details. But I claim, that it is not useful from a global point of view to bother Matlab, when the job is trivial for humen. A two year old child will be better than the most intelligent Matlab program.
Jan on 8 Feb 2013
I'm convinced that a wasp on the camera will confuse the recognition efficiently, such that any automatic reaction will reduce the security in the traffic. Everything which encourages the driver to take a nap instead of beeing as concious as possible is nothing I would like to support.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Feb 2013
Detection of a speed bump could be important for automated driving (such as being actively researched by Google.)

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ali elnaggar
ali elnaggar on 19 Mar 2015
please code and information "measure car speed">>>>>>>>> thinks
  1 Comment
Paul Udah
Paul Udah on 20 Jul 2020
please is there a code for detecting speed bumps using hog techniques in matlab

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