When inputting an x value how to output a y

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Ashley Megow
Ashley Megow on 30 Oct 2020
Commented: Ameer Hamza on 30 Oct 2020
using this table I want to input a YEAR as the x, and want to output both the male and female as y values in the command window.

Answers (1)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 30 Oct 2020
Edited: Ameer Hamza on 30 Oct 2020
One approach is to use interp1()
years; % all year values
male_vals; % male values
female_vals; % female values
vals = [male_vals female_vals];
mdl = @(year) interp1(years, vals, year)
You can then use mdl() as a function.
mdl(2000); % it will give values for year 2000
Another approach is to just use indexing
years; % all year values
male_vals; % male values
female_vals; % female values
vals = [male_vals female_vals];
mdl = @(year) vals(years==year, :);
You can also call it like a function as shown above.
Ashley Megow
Ashley Megow on 30 Oct 2020
I figured it would just be easier to send pictures of my code
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 30 Oct 2020
The elseif block will go like this
elseif (yearWant==1990)
vals = [tbl.Male(:) tbl.Female(:)];
valueWant = interp1(tbl.Year(:), vals, yearWant)

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