MeX implementation of Tensorproduct multiplications
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Dear all,
I am searching for a more efficient way to calculate tensorproduct multiplications of arbitrary sizes. First of all, i have already searched the web to get inspired by different solutions, e.g. here Tensorproduct at stackexchange:
1.) External Libraries, e.g. Eigen C++.
2.) Pure Matlab solution based in reshape and shiftdim.
However, so far i ended up with a MeX-file implementation with OpenMP parallelization.
In the following, i will give a short introduction of the math behind the implementation:
Suppose you have a matrix vector multiplication, where a matrix C is constructed by a Kronecker product of matrices A with size (n x m) and B with size (p x q). More informations can be found here Wikipedia.
In two dimensions this operation can be performed with O(npq+qnm) operations instead of O(mqnp) operations.
So far so good. In following example the sizes of the arrays are
matrix_xi = 4x4,
matrix_eta = 4x4,
vector = 16x500000x5,
(new version: vector = 16x2500000)
and may be initialized with ones or zeros. Moreover, rather than calculating only one Kronecker matrix vector multiplication, i want to calculate e.g. 500000x5 operations with one call (see the size of vector).
My current MeX-C file implementation:
* out = tensorproduct(A,B,vector)
#include "mex.h"
#include "omp.h"
#define PP_A prhs[0]
#define PP_B prhs[1]
#define PP_vector prhs[2]
#define PP_out plhs[0]
#define n 4
#define m 4
#define p 4
#define q 4
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
const mwSize *dim;
int i,j,k,s,l;
double temp[n*q];
double *A = mxGetPr(PP_A);
double *B = mxGetPr(PP_B);
double *vector = mxGetPr(PP_vector);
dim = mxGetDimensions(PP_vector);
l = dim[1];
PP_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(l*n*p,1,mxREAL);
double *out = mxGetPr(PP_out);
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,k,s,temp)
for(k=0; k<l; k++){
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
for(j=0; j<q; j++){
for(s=0; s<m; s++){
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
for(j=0; j<m; j++){
for(s=0; s<n; s++){
for(i=0; i<p; i++){
for(j=0; j<q; j++){
The code can be compiled with:
mex FFLAGS='$FFLAGS -fopenmp -Ofast -funroll-loops' ...
CFLAGS='$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Ofast -funroll-loops' ...
LDFLAGS='$LDFLAGS -fopenmp -Ofast -funroll-loops' ...
COPTIMFLAGS='$COPTIMFLAGS -fopenmp -Ofast -funroll-loops' ...
LDOPTIMFLAGS='$LDOPTIMFLAGS -fopenmp -Ofast -funroll-loops' ...
DEFINES='$DEFINES -fopenmp -Ofast -funroll-loops' ...
Currently on my Notebook: (Ubuntu 18.04, GCC 7.5.0, 4 Cores)
matrix_xi = ones(4,4);
matrix_eta = ones(4,4);
vector = ones(16,500000,5);
n = 50;
for i=1:n
vector_out = reshape(tensorproduct(matrix_xi,matrix_eta,vector),size(vector));
% Elapsed time is 8.036490 seconds.
A quite simple Matlab implementation without the use of the Kronecker property gives
for i=1:n
vector_out = reshape(matrix*vector(:,:),size(vector));
% Elapsed time is 10.489606 seconds.
With a different size of n,m,p,q = 7 the difference surprisingly does not change and gets worse (here you have to change the constants in the C-file)
matrix_xi = ones(7,7);
matrix_eta = ones(7,7);
vector = ones(49,500000,5);
n = 50;
for i=1:n
vector_out = reshape(tensorproduct(matrix_xi,matrix_eta,vector),size(vector));
% Elapsed time is 31.436541 seconds.
for i=1:n
vector_out = reshape(matrix*vector(:,:),size(vector));
% Elapsed time is 35.829957 seconds.
Luckily I am still faster than Matlab.
Note that only n,m,p,q are constants during compile time. To make the code useable for arbitrary sizes i have written a Macro to generate many C-files with different const n,m,p,q which will be included later with a header and a main C-file. This will help the compiler to unrole and inline the code.
This is the most efficient way i have achieved so far. I hope there are some experts here in this forum who can help to optimize these few lines. I am also open for other solutions, e.g. Matlab based or based on external libraries.
Thank you!
Bruno Luong
on 6 Dec 2020
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 6 Dec 2020
Yes I do know tensor and kron. But your notation is confusing. Actually your second statement
A = matrix_xi
B = matrix_eta
is wrong. Actually it's
B = matrix_xi.';
A = matrix_eta;
And your vector consists of a set of multiple X matrices.
Each reshape(vector(:,p,q), size(A,2), size(B,1)) is an X.
Your description is very confusing.
I knew what you want to compute. For the general reader, the description is careless and confusing.
Accepted Answer
Bruno Luong
on 6 Dec 2020
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 22 Aug 2021
I propose two other methods of MATLAB.
The first simply replaces (:,:) by RESHAPE. The first doing some data copy, the second do not. It seems to be the fatest.
The second method uses MATLAB pagemtimes introduced in R2020b. (Edit: Jan corrects the release)
function benchtensor
matrix_xi = rand(7,7);
matrix_eta = rand(7,7);
vector = rand(49,500000,5);
n = 50;
for i=1:n
vector_out = reshape(tensorproduct(matrix_xi,matrix_eta,vector),size(vector));
toc % Elapsed time is 19.429296 seconds.
for i=1:n
vector_out = reshape(matrix*vector(:,:),size(vector));
toc % Elapsed time is 28.08963 seconds.
for i=1:n
vector_out = reshape(matrix*reshape(vector,49,[]),size(vector));
toc % Elapsed time is 14.30025 seconds.
B = matrix_xi.';
A = matrix_eta;
for i=1:n
X = reshape(vector, size(A,2), size(B,1), []);
CX = pagemtimes(pagemtimes(A, X), B); % Reshape CX if needed
toc % Elapsed time is 29.296709 seconds.
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