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Issues with labelling bar graph along the x axis?

9 views (last 30 days)
I don't want the numbers along the bottom to be 1-10, rather a min and max value inputted in the command window and then the values in between determined by an interval also specificed in the command window
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 24 Jan 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 24 Jan 2021
So what if someone enters 100, 1000, 2 which would produced 451 values?
What's the problem with setting the xticklabel of the axis?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 24 Jan 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 24 Jan 2021
The input() function is rarely a good idea and is wildely unconstrained. See my anser on how to define xticklabels as a numeric vector.
Reasons why input() isn't safe and alternatives:
Testing user input and reprompting user if their input doesn't make sense:

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Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 24 Jan 2021
This shows how to convert a numeric vector to x tick labels.
It includes an assertion that will throw an error if the number of x tick labels does not match the number of x ticks.
The number of decimal places in the labels is set to 0 and can be changed in the '%.0f' format command.
data = rand(10,3);
ax = gca();
bar(ax, data, 'stacked')
newXTicks = 100:10:190; % Numeric vector of XTickLabels
assert(numel(ax.XTick)==numel(newXTicks), 'Number of XTickLabels does not match number of XTicks.')
ax.XTickLabels = compose('%.0f', newXTicks);

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