The Graph of Clustering Looks Messy, Why?

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm working with k-means. And this is the graph of mine.
It looks messy. The red and blue are mixed. What do you think? It is because the file I used? Or the clustering isn't working properly?
Here is my code...
load cobat.txt
k=input('Enter a number: ');
[g c] = kmeans(cobat,k,'dist','SqEuclidean');
y = [cobat g]
%# show points and clusters (color-coded)
clr = lines(k);
figure, hold on
scatter3(cobat(:,1), cobat(:,2), cobat(:,3), 36, clr(g,:), 'Marker','.')
scatter3(c(:,1), c(:,2), c(:,3), 100, clr, 'Marker','o', 'LineWidth',3)
hold off
view(3), axis vis3d, box on, rotate3d on
xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('z')

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 10 May 2013
Maybe you just need to rotate the volume so that you're looking at it from a better viewpoint - one that doesn't have so many things overlapping.

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