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How do you save values from a for-loop in a vector?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have the following:
for ml=100:50:1000
z=fzero(@(x) y(x,ml), [1 10]);
But I need each value of z saved as a vector to use it in a plot later. How do you do that?

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 5 Mar 2021
Edited: Stephen23 on 5 Mar 2021
With MATLAB it is almost always better to loop over an index than to loop over data:
ml = 100:50:1000;
n = numel(ml);
z = nan(1,n); % preallocate
for k = 1:n % loop over indices
z(k) = fzero(@(x) y(x,ml(k)), [1,10]);
end %^^^ indexing ^^^

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