Keep always on top
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hi guys
I want to, Keep always on top , guide figure ?
Can you give an example ? or link.
Nasser Hosseini
on 16 Feb 2022
How do you do it with a "msgbox", i.e. keep it always on top? It is still a "figure" and not a "uifigure".
When I try to set 'WindowStyle' as 'alwaysontop', I get error:
>> fig_id = msgbox('test');
>> set(fig_id,'WindowStyle','alwaysontop')
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/set
Functionality not supported with figures created with the figure function.
Accepted Answer
More Answers (4)
Yoav Livneh
on 19 May 2011
Yoav Livneh
on 19 May 2011
What I suggested only works within MATLAB. I don't know how to extend it to any window, wait for someone else to answer.
Sorry I couldn't help.
on 22 Feb 2022
Similar to Jan's suggestion, you can always do the window management with ... your window management tools. Jan's recommendation works in Windows. The following works in Linux.
Attached is a simple function that will set the specified window to be on top. This relies on the use of wmctrl, so you need to have that installed. This works for msgbox windows, regular figure windows, and uifigure windows..
hmb = msgbox('test');
hflg = figure(6);
hfui = uifigure(1);
Of course, you can set other window properties the same way.
on 23 Feb 2022
I have no idea, why this is failing, if the demo runs correctly. I've published a new version, which does do no magic tricks anymore to support old Matlab version (HG1, <= R2014b). Now only one C-mex function is compiled. Please try it again with the new version.
Shaul Shvimmer
on 17 Mar 2020
Hi, I want to inform whoever incounters this challage using MATLAB's App Designer, there's a great solution written by Igor Varfolomeev, from my experiance it works great in MATLAB 2018b and 2019b:
Cheers, and thank you Igor!
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