Summation with For LOOP (iterations)

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Rebecca Reyes
Rebecca Reyes on 13 Apr 2021
Commented: Jan on 14 Apr 2021
so this is the summation I am working with. I have four constants of ki and zi. I am looking for (V/F). I think I am suppose to use iterations to find the answer? I don't really know. Any advice to get stated will really help.
ki=[56, 0.65, 0.175, 0.055];
zi=[0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.25];
for i=0.1:length(1)
What I did so far.... (replaced V/F with i)
madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 13 Apr 2021
Aren't V and F supposed to be scalars?
Rebecca Reyes
Rebecca Reyes on 13 Apr 2021
I really dont know. The answer for V/F=.59 if done correctly.

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Answers (1)

Jan on 13 Apr 2021
K = [56, 0.65, 0.175, 0.055];
Z = [0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.25];
fcn = @(x) sum(Z .* (K - 1) ./ (1 + x * (K - 1)))
fzero(fcn, 0.5)
% 0.591015474362563
There are some more zeros: at 1.15928465237477 and 2.63599135955416. See:
Rebecca Reyes
Rebecca Reyes on 14 Apr 2021
sorry i didnt ask clearly before
Jan on 14 Apr 2021
@Rebecca Reyes: Your questions about Matlab are welcome. If all details are clear already, it would not be a problem anymore.
Of course you can find the solution by your own with a loop also. Implement a Newton-Raphson-method. You can get the differentiation of the function numericalls. A colleague of mine has implemented this for large systems and published the code as his PhD. Of course an iterative solver for small problem can be written with less than 100 lines of code also, but it is not as trivial as "using a FOR oder WHILE loop".

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