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Clear Filters

Attempt to extract field 'Bc' from 'double'_error.

10 views (last 30 days)
I dont know why i have this error though the dimensions are true. Please help my code:
function Nc = fcn(qe, vr, wr, f,xe,ye)
Bc = [-1 0 0;ye -xe -1];
Bc1 = 5;
qeT = qe';
A = transpose(qeT.*Bc)*Bc1*norm(qe)*(f(1)*norm(vr)+f(2)*norm(wr)+f(3));
Nc = -A/B;
Please help me. This error in line 5,6:
Size mismatch (size [1 x 3] ~= size [2 x 3]). Function 'Kinematic Controller/MATLAB Function' (#69.118.125), line 5, column 15: "qeT.*Bc"

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Apr 2021
qeT.Bc needs to have the period replaced by an operator such as qeT*Bc
chuyen hoangcao
chuyen hoangcao on 18 Apr 2021
Oh,thank you for responding to me.However, Im sorry because of my mistakes that I posted the question I fixed. I editted my question,please check for me. The qe's dimension I set is 3x1, and as you can see the Bc's dimension is 3x2.But when transpose(qe)*Bc ,they can not.
chuyen hoangcao
chuyen hoangcao on 18 Apr 2021
I know that .* is different from *, and my intent is *: matrix multiply,but the simulink error is not able to, it proposed me to convert to .*

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